Tree Walk
This self-guided educational opportunity highlights remarkable examples of tree species throughout the Preserve. Can you find them all?

The Tree Walk map is labeled with letters that correspond to each tree. Download or print a copy to bring with you on your walk! Though some trees are off the main trails, we have cleared observation paths to each one, marked with brown "Tree Walk" signs. Please stay on these paths while you explore to keep our natural area looking its best.
The trees are marked with botanical identifier stakes, so you'll know when you find them! Each stake has a QR link to a webpage that contains information about the unique qualities of the individual tree, species interactions, and identifying characteristics.
Having trouble finding a tree? Look out for botanical markers near the tree's roots, and check the list below for hints:
A - White Oak: single large tree, west side of Thoroughfare Rd
B - Pin Oak: single large tree, east side of meadow connector trail (near parking lot)
C - Willow Oak: single medium tree, path on north side of Meadow Loop
D - American Sycamore: single medium tree, path on north side of Meadow Loop
E - Common Hackberry: single large tree, path on east side of Leopold's Loop
F - Black Walnut: single medium tree, west side of Warbler Way
G - Swamp White Oak: single large tree, path on north side of Warbler Loop
H - Eastern Redcedar: many medium trees, west side of Warbler Way (near sign 11)
I - Pawpaw: many small trees, west side of Warbler Way (next to the boardwalk)
J - Fallen Tree: single fallen tree, west side of Warbler Way
K - Black Cherry: two medium trees, north side of Leopold's Loop (just past clearing)
L - American Beech: single medium tree, left of entry to Pinkard's Loop
M - Norway Spruce: many large trees, path on north side of Pinkard's Loop
N - Tuliptree: single large tree (multiple stems), west side of Leopold's Loop
O - American Hornbeam: many small trees, east side of Leopold's Loop (near bridge)
P - Shagbark Hickory: single medium tree, south side of Leopold's Loop
Q - Northern Red Oak: single large tree, west side of Leopold's Loop
R - Pignut Hickory: single medium tree, west side of Leopold's Loop